Burke says he breached exchange control rules

Mr Ray Burke regularly breached exchange control regulations during the 1970s, the former politician has told the tribunal.

Mr Ray Burke regularly breached exchange control regulations during the 1970s, the former politician has told the tribunal.

On one occasion, he claimed to be travelling to the US on a business trip, when he was actually going on his honeymoon.

Mr Burke conceded that although he was aware of the regulations then governing the movement of money in and out of the State, he never obtained the necessary permission when transferring money to or from his offshore accounts. He also failed to obtain permission to set up an offshore account with Bank of Ireland in Manchester.

In November 1972 Mr Burke applied for and received permission to export £1,000 to Florida. The stated reason for the visit was business, to view properties with "Palm Beach Investment Property Inc". However, yesterday he said the real reason for the application was to have £1,000 spending money "in my back pocket".


The form was dated on the day of his wedding and he and his wife, Ann, were travelling to Florida and Mexico for their honeymoon. "It was money very well spent; she's still with me," he remarked.

Ms Patricia Dillon SC, for the tribunal, said Mr Burke had lied on an official application. Mr Burke said he had no idea why he used the address of the property company in the application.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.