Bus driver admits noise nuisance

A bus driver said in court yesterday that it was because he was fed up with his neighbour's child playing the Corrs that he retaliated…

A bus driver said in court yesterday that it was because he was fed up with his neighbour's child playing the Corrs that he retaliated by blaring classical music and leaving his motorbike running, a court heard yesterday.

Mr Paul Egan from Clondalkin in Dublin admitted he was wrong in what he did but claimed he was driven to it by 12 months of the Corrs being played by the daughter of his neighbour, Mr Thomas O'Rourke. He also claimed Mr O'Rourke's burglar alarm often went off when he was sleeping.

Mr O'Rourke and his wife denied the claim and said they would not put on loud music because they had a three-month-old baby. Mrs O'Rourke admitted her daughter did play the Corrs in the morning but said she was not permitted to play it loudly.

Judge William Hamill granted the O'Rourkes a noise abatement order after Mr Egan undertook not to play the music and not to run his motorbike for long periods.


The O'Rourkes spent £4,000 insulating their house and while this improved the situation, Mr Egan would frequently start up his motorbike and leave it running for long periods.

The court heard the O'Roukes had decided to sell up because of the problems. "We are doing it under duress", she said.