Bush announces $1bn more in Georgia aid

President George W. Bush announced today that the United States will send an extra $1 billion dollars to Georgia to help the …

President George W. Bush announced today that the United States will send an extra $1 billion dollars to Georgia to help the former Soviet republic in the wake of Russia’s invasion.

In a statement, Mr Bush said: “Georgia has a strong economic foundation and leaders with an impressive record of reform. Our additional economic assistance will help the people of Georgia recover from the assault on their country, and continue to build a prosperous and competitive economy.”

Vice President Dick Cheney, due in Georgia tomorrow, planned to make the aid package a major highlight of his discussions with Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili.

The vice president, in Azerbaijan today, is on a tour of three former Soviet republics that are wary of Russia’s intentions in what Moscow likes to call its “near abroad” and what Mr Cheney termed “the shadow of the Russian invasion of Georgia”.


Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice told reporters at the State Department: “The free world cannot allow the destiny of a small independent country to be determined by the aggression of a larger neighbour.”

She mocked Russia for its recognition of the two separatist regions in Georgia. “Almost no one followed suit, I might note. It isn’t really an impressive list to have Abkhazia and South Ossetia recognise each other,” she said.

In tandem with Mr Bush, the International Monetary Fund announced it has agreed to lend Georgia $750 million for economic recovery.

The US administration is delaying an announcement on some sort of punishment of Russia for its actions against Georgia and its refusal thus far to comply with a French-brokered ceasefire.

Elsewhere, Russia closed its embassy in Georgia today, following Georgia’s severing of diplomatic ties with Moscow.

After years of tensions, the recent fighting began on August 7th when Georgian forces went into its breakaway province of South Ossetia in hopes of re-establishing control.

Russian forces repelled the offensive and pushed deep into Georgia proper.

Both sides signed the ceasefire in mid-August, but Russia has ignored its requirement for all forces to return to prewar positions.

The US has already provided $30 million in humanitarian relief since the conflict began.