Call centre to create 600 jobs in Derry

An Indian call centre company has chosen Derry as the base for the majority of 1,000 jobs it plans to create in Northern Ireland…

An Indian call centre company has chosen Derry as the base for the majority of 1,000 jobs it plans to create in Northern Ireland, it announced today.

ICICI OneSource is beginning recruitment for a centre in Derry's Northland Road, which it says will employ 600 people within two years. The centre is due to open later in the year.

The company is already gearing up to open its first base in Belfast in the coming weeks. It pressed ahead with recruitment there while scouring Northern Ireland for a second suitable base.

The company, one of the biggest in the field in India, handles calls and administration for clients in the financial services, telecommunications and health care sectors.


Its arrival in Northern Ireland was announced by Secretary of State Peter Hain last month just weeks after he returned from leading a trade mission to India where spoke to ICICI bosses.

It has been given Government support to set up and Leslie Morrison, chief executive of the economic body supplying the funding, Invest Northern Ireland, said he was delighted Derry had been confirmed as the second location.