Cambridge Technology cuts Dublin staff

E-business solutions company Cambridge Technology confirmed today it is to cut its Dublin workforce by more than 40 per cent.

E-business solutions company Cambridge Technology confirmed today it is to cut its Dublin workforce by more than 40 per cent.

Cambridge Technology Ireland general manager Mr Freddie Kavanagh told ireland.comup to 15 of the 36 staff in the company's Dublin office would be let go by the end of this month.

These are the first job cuts at Cambridge Technology.

Mr Kavanagh cited the high cost of Irish personnel resources and the general economic downturn as the primary factors for the job losses. The cuts will be across all departments of the company.


"We can’t loan our consultancy expertise into Europe at the moment because of the high overheads and a general slow-down in demand so we have to cut our cloth appropriately," he said.

Mr Kavanagh said consultation on the exact number and nature of the job cuts was continuing but said all those made redundant would receive packages well in excess of the statutory requirements.

He said the company would continue to provide the full range of its traditional e-business products and Internet services software.

Cambridge Technology, which employs nearly 4,000 people worldwide, is now a wholly owned subsidiary of Novell after a takeover earlier this year. Its Dublin office opened in 1995.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times