Campaign to raise money for homeless

A homeless charity hopes to raise €45,000  for its services through sponsored sleepovers by secondary students.

A homeless charity hopes to raise €45,000  for its services through sponsored sleepovers by secondary students.

Irish band The Thrills today helped launch details of Focus Ireland's Schoolmates Sleepover, which takes place across the country on November 16.

Students can enter with classmates or friends and organise a sponsored sleepover in one of their homes. Organiser Sinead Price said: "Events like this are vital to help Focus Ireland to continue to provide housing and essential services."

Focus Ireland raised €5.3 million last year from fundraising events, donations and corporate support. This represented an increase of 17% from 2005 and accounted for 31% of the charity's total income in 2006.


The Thrills frontman Conor Deasy said: "The Schoolmate Sleepover is an easy way for students to get involved and help support the homeless. "The Thrills would love to see as many people as possible sign up from secondary schools all around the country."

Last year a number of schools teamed up and organised one big sleepover for students in a local school hall. The Thrills, from south Co Dublin, launched their third album, Teenager, in July.

Students from St Louis High School in Rathmines, Dublin are taking part in the Sleepover for the third time. Student Kate Calvin said: "It's a fun event and you are also doing good by raising funds for the homeless."

Students or teachers can sign up for the Sleepover on www.focusireland or by contacting 1850 204 205.