Claim of bullying in Leinster House

SEANAD REPORT: BULLYING HAPPENED in workplaces, including Leinster House, Mary White (FF) said

SEANAD REPORT:BULLYING HAPPENED in workplaces, including Leinster House, Mary White (FF) said. "I was actually bullied by somebody yesterday, and I told my colleagues in my office what was said to me."

They had asked her if there was no place she could report that. "People have no right to intimidate other people or to try to diminish them. How dare they!"

Ms White, who was speaking in a debate on health promotion priorities, said international research showed that a significant percentage of people who died from suicide had been bullied. Irish society and particularly schools and businesses needed to know just what human rights were about.

It was really despicable that the Defence Forces chief-of-staff had been sent to Longford to placate people there over the closure of the local barracks, Nicky McFadden (FG) said. "He has been sent to do the dirty work for this Government."


There might be some merit in calls from the Government side of the House for a Tallaght strategy-type approach to tackling the economic crisis facing the country, Liam Twomey (FG) said.

He was responding to suggestions by Fianna Fáil members that consultations be held with individuals and groups on a cross-party basis to explore what steps could be taken to help economic recovery. "I think we could start by sacking Minister Lenihan and replacing him with Richard Bruton because he has been well recognised, nationally and internationally, as handling this crisis very well."