Confidential online service to let public report information

A CONFIDENTIAL online service to allow “concerned citizens” report sensitive information about public or private bodies has been…

A CONFIDENTIAL online service to allow “concerned citizens” report sensitive information about public or private bodies has been set up by an Irish-based security company.

Whistleblower Confidential is designed to provide a free, safe and secure channel for anyone who fears making reports through the normal channels may result in them being victimised or their future put at risk.

The website has been established by Risk Management International (RMI), which was set up in 1993 by former members of the Army and the Garda and has specialised in protection from kidnapping, fraud, loss or theft of corporate information, and cyber crime.

Information can be provided anonymously through an agreed code-word system, or by giving personal details with guaranteed confidentiality, the company said.


The information is then assessed by an evaluation board chaired by former assistant Garda commissioner Tony Hickey. If the information is deemed credible the organisation or entity involved is then approached by RMI with the intention of resolving the issue.

RMI makes money through offering the organisation in question its services in the investigation of the allegation and advice in resolving any issues.

Companies or other bodies contacted by RMI on foot of whistleblower information are under no obligation to engage the services of RMI, its chairman and former Army officer Peadar Duffy said.

“For businesses and other organisations at risk it is infinitely better to be informed of issues before too much damage is done and losses incurred.”

Many internal whistleblower charters while well-intentioned did not work because of fear of the exposure on behalf of the whistleblower, he said. “With Whistleblower Confidential we hope this will boost the effectiveness of existing schemes and provide an option to organisations where no whistleblower schemes exist.”

Reports can be made on

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times