'Every production we put on is full of gambles'

ME and MY MONEY: MONICA LOUGHMAN, artistic director, Monica Loughman Ballet Company

ME and MY MONEY: MONICA LOUGHMAN,artistic director, Monica Loughman Ballet Company

Are you a saver or a spender?When you are building your own business you are a saver and a spender. You spend what you have to develop your company, which is hopefully a form of saving in terms of its investment for the future.

Do you shop around for better value?I would say I look for value while shopping rather than shopping around for it. Convenience is key when you are really busy, and I am really busy.

What has been your most extravagant purchase ever and how much did it cost?My main vices are costumes. My witch costume by Monica Ennis for La Sylphide on March 18th at the Dublin Convention Centre would make Vivienne Westwood look twice!


What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?With ever-growing families to cater for, this Christmas I gathered lovely hampers with wine, cheeses, salmon etc. Recipients were really happy and it's a really good way to make a family of relatives very happy rather than buying a bunch of one-offs.

Have you ever crossed the Border to shop?No, just to party. It's not that I enjoy paying 23 per cent VAT, but our retailers are not to blame for our banking and property excesses of the past.

Do you haggle over prices?I'm terrible at negotiating but I am getting lessons from my partner who haggles over everything. I think good prices are the default these days, it makes it easier for people like me, but rip-off-Ireland still has a few stragglers who chance their arm.

Has the recession changed your spending habits?Absolutely. This recession represents a seismic shift for the Irish and I include my household in that statement. My business has not been directly affected. For example, we sold out all our shows last November. For me, I am much more aware of what money is spent on – generally it all goes on my family and expanding our productions.

Do you invest in shares?From what I can make out, share prices are controlled by giant funds and others that make moves when they want. It's far too close to gambling for me. If I am going to gamble it will be on my own business because I control that.

Cash or card?Debit card. Credit cards are a necessity for business buying online but not for personal buying.

What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?I bought a pair of Nine West boots and a leather jacket in the sales at 50 per cent off, so I'm chuffed. I'm normally the one that misses all the good bargains.

Have you ever successfully saved up for a relatively big purchase?I saved up and bought a car and I'm saving for another too. My sponsor is Allianz, so I am fortunate not to bear the insurance cost.

Have you ever lost money?I once lost a thousand quid, or I should say it was misplaced and I have not found it yet – that's less depressing.

Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win?Every production we put on is full of gambles. Gambling on which dancers to use, which venue to use, different advertising forms. It's all a thrilling ride. Horses and slot machines, not so much.

Is money important to you?It is very important to me – it's the means to a secure future.

How much money do you have on you now?Ha, Ha. €350, but I'm about to go to Tesco so that's going to be €200 soon.

The Monica Loughman Ballet Company’s production of La Sylphide runs at The Convention Centre, Dublin, March 18th, before touring to Kerry and Galway.