Pricewatch product reviews: protein bars

The more chocolately the bar, the better

Primal Pantry Hazelnut and Cocoa – €2.65 for 45g, €58.88 per kg

€2.65 for 45g, €58.88 per kg
The alarm bells start ringing when we see the word "Paleo" on this bar's wrapping. It is probably a positive selling point for the brand and some people will no doubt buy into the notion, but paleo talk doesn't do it for Pricewatch. Diet fads aside, what we are most concerned about is taste and texture, and this product does not fare well. It has a sticky, almost brownie-like texture but a taste far-removed from brownies. It has a date-heavy taste and, while there was 5.5 per cent cocoa powder, any hope that we are in line for some chocolatey goodness is dashed on the first mouthful, which is very sharp. It contains 4.1g protein – the lowest of all the bars tried – and it is the most expensive.
Verdict: No date night for us.
Star rating: ★★

€3.15 for 60g, €52.50 per kg
Pricewatch has reviewed a great many food products, and we can count on one hand those we have disliked so much we have not been able to finish a mouthful. This joins them. It is slathered in what looks like rich dark chocolate, which fools us into thinking that we are in for a treat. But it has the texture of strange birdfood and an almost medicinal aftertaste. Each bar has 21g of protein – and there are vitamins, too – but it leaves us dispirited.
Verdict: Disappointing.
Star rating: ★★

€3.19 for 60g, €53.16 per kg
We approached this with a heavy heart, which might have more to do with preconceived notions about fad diets and its link to Atkins. In pure taste terms it is surprisingly good, maybe because our expectations were so low. It tastes of chocolate and has a pleasingly sticky texture. At 18g it is pretty high in protein.
Verdict: Surprisingly pleasant.
Star rating: ★★★

€2.50 for 55g, €45.45 per kg
This bar has a few things going for it. Firstly, it is new – and we like new things. Secondly, and more importantly, the product is Irish. Thirdly, it is very high in protein and the only such bar on the market that has 100 per cent of your recommended daily allowance of a range of vitamins including C, B6 and 12, E, folic acid and thiamine. It is very good value, too – and the cheapest here. It tastes great. We assembled six starving journalists for a blind taste test and every one of them scored Fulfil highest – by a substantial margin. It actually tastes like, and has the texture of, a normal bar of chocolate-slathered peanutty goodness. While we are eating it, we actually manage to forget that it is also good for us. Now that takes some beating.
Verdict: All round excellence.
Star rating: ★★★★★

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor