ME AND MY MONEY: Joanne Hynes, designer
Are you a saver or a spender?
I am absolutely neither.
Do you shop around for better value?
I rarely shop for clothes as I design and wear my own product, and anyhow it is usually a very painful experience. It’s really so hard to remove myself from the manufacturing and design process, so it kind of takes the joy out of the experience.
I believe that the concept of value today is a very complex issue and has a big effect. It’s like a black cloud. Value is a dangerous commodity in the corporate world and in the fashion world it is a great way to manipulate the consumer. It can wear a mask a lot of the time. Value today is about adding to one’s life experiences. I don’t think that buying cheap produce, or cheap clothing, brings any form of added value to the quality of life. I believe in shopping less, shopping for pieces that serve you well, emotionally. Shopping should be an art form.
What has been your most extravagant purchase ever and how much did it cost?
I haven’t gotten there as yet.
What purchase have you made that you consider the best value for money?
My iPhone 4 as it has made my life easier. Having said that, I spend too much time listening to it beeping. I’m a kind of a “slave to the beep” these days. So now I am left reconsidering how added value has come into it?
Have you ever crossed the Border to shop?
No, I find shopping like this very complicated and pointless. I don’t have the time. I believe people go to stock up? I hate the idea of stocking up, it’s ugly. Buying in bulk and mass products are usually visually grotesque to look at. Apart from books, that is, and great materials, and investing in my art and my work, which brings joy to my life.
Do you haggle over prices?
It depends on where it is. My pride can be such a drawback at times! Generally, no.
Has the recession changed your spending habits?
No, as when it comes to my work I never cut corners. With my collections, it’s hard to change once you are in a comfort zone and once there is a pattern and a process developed that the customer values. I don’t shop very much for myself personally. Food shopping on the other hand is, unfortunately, unavoidable. I detest supermarkets and try to avoid them at all costs. There is a fantastic business model for someone who could deliver vegetables and milk direct door-to-door; that would be a luxury.
Cash or card?
If I am carrying a bag, then cash, if not then card. I prefer to carry cash, as it makes me feel secure just having it. It’s comforting.
What was the last thing you bought and was it good value for money?
As I say, I rarely buy for myself, but I do buy for my collections, of course. I discovered an amazing store in Paris very recently and I bought incredibly elaborate feather corsages. I felt if they were left behind I would regret it for the rest of my life.
Are you a gambler and if so have you ever had a big win?
I’m the daughter of a book-maker and my brother is one too, so it is in my blood. I once bought a lottery ticket for the fantastic Sean Purcell – and he won a considerable amount of money.