Spar left red-faced over ‘females only’ job ad

Retail outlet in IFSC sought deli staff but would only take applications from women

Spar Ireland said the retailer has taken the sign down and apologised for the error. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times
Spar Ireland said the retailer has taken the sign down and apologised for the error. Photograph: Alan Betson/The Irish Times

A Spar shop in Dublin's IFSC found itself in hot water this afternoon after it placed a job ad in its window looking for deli staff and stipulating that it would only accept applications from women.

Photographs of the ad appeared on social media sites and bulletin boards such as and quickly sparked widespread criticism.

The Irish Times contacted Spar Ireland seeking an explanation for the ad which is in clear contravention of employment equality legislation.

A spokeswoman emphatically denied that the ad, which appears on a large poster with Spar logos emblazoned on it had anything to do with the retail chain.


“As soon as this was brought to Spar Ireland’s attention we contacted the independent retailer and asked them to take the sign down immediately,” she said.

“The retailer has taken down the sign and has apologised for the error and any offence caused. Spar Ireland is an equal opportunities employer,” she added.

Conor Pope

Conor Pope

Conor Pope is Consumer Affairs Correspondent, Pricewatch Editor