Vileda 1.2 Spray €32.99
We are suckers for gadgets and the presence of an “integrated cleaning spray” in the handle of this mop piques our interest. Having a cleaning spray attached to the mop does have advantages – you don’t need a bucket of water for a start – but it does have some downsides too. What happens when you run out of spray? You have to fall back on water until it is replaced, which in our world would be never. The rectangular mop head is not ideal for storage, although we do like the microfibre cloth. The price? Not so much.
Verdict: Dear and faddy.
Star rating: ***
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JML Mop and Mitt €13.99
This microfibre mop is much more affordable than the Vileda option and does much the same thing, albeit it without the spray. We like the bendy, multi-angled cleaning head, as it suddenly makes getting into corners that haven’t seen a mop in decades possible. The microfibre cloth will not last forever, and may be a hassle to replace, at least in the sense that it might not be stocked in your local supermarket. But as long as it lives, it will not let you down.
Verdict: Reasonably efficient.
Star rating: ***
Dosco Wooden €6.49
We like the old-school nature of this cloth-headed mop, and the price pleases us too (although it will most likely need to be accompanied by a bucket if it is to do its job properly). If this product is maintained properly, you will get months of good cleaning out of it. It is good for scrubbing and gets into tighter corners that any of the competition. It is a bit heavy when very wet and can be hard to rinse out. As with many things, the key is maintenance. If you wash it out properly after each cleaning session, it will not let you down, but if you leave it unwashed it will stink within a week.
Verdict: Heavy and old-fashioned.
Star rating: ***
Pristine Cloth Mop €12.99
One of the key advantages of this is also one of its key disadvantages. It is very lightweight, which means is zips all over the place when you are mopping. Because of its weight, however, we can’t help but feel that it is us doing all the heavy cleaning and not the mop. It is easy to clean, and, while it is more expensive that the old- fashioned wooden-handled Dosco mop, we reckon we would get more use out of this.
Verdict: Did the job
Star Rating: ****