Planned job cuts that would affect 52 agency nurses at Cork University Hospital have been put on hold until next week while hospital management holds talks with the union.
A spokesperson for the hospital said talks had taken place yesterday and this morning with the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organisation (INMO), and it had been agreed to postpone any action until Monday next.
Industrial relations officer of the INMO Patsy Doyle told Cork radio the union was willing to discuss cost reductions but not staff cuts. “In the event that agreement can’t be reached, then we in turn have to reluctantly advise our members that services close,” she said.
The hospital said the number of agency nurses employed had risen sharply earlier this year for reasons such as the vomiting bug, influenza and maternity leave, and that the high staff numbers were no longer needed.
“It is essential that CUH management reduce current levels of agency staffing in order to continue to deliver services in a planned way for the remainder of the year,” the hospital said.
Discussions will continue this week.