Corrib gas opponent sent to jail

A RETIRED school principal, and leading opponent of the Corrib Gas project, was jailed for three months yesterday.

A RETIRED school principal, and leading opponent of the Corrib Gas project, was jailed for three months yesterday.

Maura Harrington of Geesala, Co Mayo, was before Belmullet District Court for sentencing in relation to the assault of a security guard and entering a Shell compound at Glengad with the intention of committing an offence on June 16th, 2008.

Having convicted Ms Harrington, Judge Mary Devins proposed that she would adjourn sentencing subject to certain conditions, one of which stipulated that Harrington “could not interfere with Shell or its agents”.

After a short adjournment, counsel for the accused, Alan Gannon told the court that, while his client was willing to adhere to conditions that she be of good behaviour and not breach the peace, Ms Harrington could not adhere to a condition that specifically cited Shell.


Judge Devins fined Ms Harrington €1,000 and imposed two three-month jail sentences to be served concurrently. Recognisance was fixed in the event of an appeal and Ms Harrington was taken to Mountjoy Prison.

Áine Ryan

Áine Ryan is a contributor to The Irish Times