Couple escape arson attack on house

A man and woman were rescued after an arson attack on a house in south Belfast.

A man and woman were rescued after an arson attack on a house in south Belfast.

The man in his 50s had been seriously assaulted before the house in Ireton Street, in the Botanic area of the city, was set alight last night.

He was taken to hospital suffering from head and facial injuries as well as smoke inhalation. The woman, who is in her 30s, was also treated for the effects of breathing in smoke.

The lower area of the house had been extensively damaged in the blaze, which was caused when a mattress and a pile of rubbish were set on fire.


Fire Officer David Patton said the fire was advanced when crews arrived at the scene.

The couple received first aid at the scene from firefighters before the ambulance arrived.