THERE was no appearance by Youth Defence at the High Court yesterday when an interlocutory order was granted restraining it from watching or besetting the headquarters and Dublin clinics of the Irish Family Planning Association or intimidating its officers, staff and customers.
The injunction applies pending further court order or the outcome of legal proceedings taken by the IFPA against Youth Defence, two persons said to be representatives of it - Ms Niamh Nic Mhathuna, Barton Road East, Churchtown, Dublin and Mr Maurice Colgan, Tonlegee Road, Dublin; and the Rev Patrick Mahony, of the USbased Christian Defence Coalition.
The IFPA has alleged that Youth Defence, supported by a large number of Americans including Mr Mahony, forcibly picketed its clinic at Cathal Brugha Street last Saturday. It was claimed the protesters had filmed, threatened and intimidated staff and customers. The clinic had to close for a time. Gardai were called.
The association claimed Youth Defence, of Mountjoy Street, Dublin, had maintained a picket outside the Cathal Brugha Street clinic regularly since June 1998 and had been there most Saturdays in November and December 1998. Since January, the group has had a presence outside the clinic on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday also, it was stated.
Last Monday the IFPA secured an interim order against Youth Defence, Ms Nic Mhathuna, Mr Colgan and Mr Mahony, restraining picketing of and trespass at its headquarters and clinics and obstruction or harassment of people entering or leaving.
The defendants were further restrained from interfering with IFPA chief executive Mr Tony O'Brien and IFPA chairwoman Ms Catherine Forde or any other IFPA member and its staff.
The order was returned to yesterday when Ms Carmel Stewart, for the IFPA, applied for an interlocutory injunction - an injunction continuing until the hearing of the full action.
The matter was listed for 11 a.m. before Ms Justice Macken. There was no response when the court registrar asked was there any appearance by or on behalf of Youth Defence. The judge said she would list the matter for 1.50 p.m. There was again no appearance.
Ms Justice Macken granted an interlocutory injunction in similar terms to the interim order.