Man (44) caught with 400 child sexual abuse images jailed for a year

Darren Casey told gardaí he ended up on dark web seeking information on a head injury

A barrister for Darren Casey  said his client was aware of the effects of his offending and has shown ‘insight and empathy’  for ‘the devastation to his family’ but for the children in the child abuse material. Photograph:  Matt Kavanagh
A barrister for Darren Casey said his client was aware of the effects of his offending and has shown ‘insight and empathy’ for ‘the devastation to his family’ but for the children in the child abuse material. Photograph: Matt Kavanagh

A man who was found in possession of 400 child sexual abuse images has been jailed for a year.

Darren Casey (44) was caught with the images and five videos on his mobile phone after gardaí­ searched the home he shares with his partner and stepchildren in November 2020.

Casey, of The Avenue, Skerries Rock, Skerries, Co Dublin, pleaded guilty to one count of possessing the material on dates between August 1st and September 1st, 2020. He has 13 previous convictions including for public order and road traffic offences.

Sentencing Casey at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court, Judge Martin Nolan said the possession of child sexual abuse images was “not a victimless crime”.


He noted a number of mitigating factors including that Casey pleaded guilty and cooperated with gardaí.­He said Casey was at a low risk of reoffending.

The judge handed down a sentence of three years but suspended the final two years on a number of conditions.

At a sentence hearing this week, Det Garda Gemma Macken told Aoife McNickle BL, prosecuting, that gardaí­ were alerted to child abuse material at an IP address which was traced to Casey’s home. His house was then searched by gardaí.

‘Child explict’

Four mobile phones were seized and 400 images and five videos were found on Casey’s phone. Seventy of these images were found to be ‘child explicit’ – meaning a child was involved in or witnessing sexual activity, the court heard.

A further 100 of the images involved child exposure while the remainder fell into lesser categories.

Casey was arrested in March of last year. He told gardaí­ that he ended up on the dark web while browsing the internet for information on a head injury, having suffered one himself. He received the images and videos from someone on a messaging app, but gardaí­ were unable to find out who that person was.

Cathal McGreal BL, defending, said Casey deleted the images afterwards and did not send them on or distribute them elsewhere.

He said the revelations that his client had been viewing such material “set the cat among the pigeons” at home.

Mr McGreal said Casey is now aware of the effects of his offending and has shown “insight and empathy” not just for “the devastation to his family” but for the children in the child abuse material.