Schoolgirl hurt by shattered gym shower door awarded €25,000

Mia Alice Jackson (11) was in changing room of Energie gym, Nutgrove, Dublin when incident happened

A schoolgirl, who suffered multiple cuts to her face and body after the glass of a shower door shattered in a Dublin gym, has been awarded €25,000. File photograph.

A schoolgirl, who suffered multiple cuts to her face and body after the glass of a shower door shattered in a Dublin gym, has been awarded €25,000 damages in the Circuit Civil Court.

Barrister Kristian Douglas told the court that in May 2013, Mia Alice Jackson (11) was in the shower in the changing rooms of Energie Fitness gym, Nutgrove, Dublin, following a swimming lesson, when the incident happened.

Mr Douglas said Mia, who was almost 10 at the time, was pushing the shower door when the glass broke in shards over her, injuring her back, left foot and face.

Mia's father, Damian Jackson, of Rathfarnham Wood, Rathfarnham, Dublin, who had been waiting for her outside the gym, had been called by loudspeakers to the changing rooms.


Circuit Court President Mr Justice Raymond Groarke heard that Mia, who was in shock, had been extremely upset and crying.

Staff members had applied first aid treatment to her wounds and she had been taken by ambulance to the accident and emergency department of Tallaght, Dublin, Hospital, where her wounds were dressed and stitched.

Counsel said the cuts on Mia’s face had healed, but the wounds had left scars on her foot and back.

Through her father, Damian, Mia sued Prime Fitness Ltd, which trades as Energie Fitness, with a registered address at Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin, for negligence.

Mr Douglas told the court that the gym, which had admitted liability, had made a settlement offer of €25,000, which Judge Groarke approved.