Dessie O’Hare pleads guilty to assault and false imprisonment

Former INLA man, known as ‘The Border Fox’, will be sentenced in April

File photograph of Dessie O’Hare who pleaded guilty at the non-jury Special Criminal Court to assault and false imprisonment in Dublin. Photograph: Colin Keegan / Collins

Former INLA man Dessie O'Hare, who was known as 'The Border Fox', has pleaded guilty at the non-jury Special Criminal Court to assault and false imprisonment in Dublin.

O'Hare (62), of Slate Rock Road, Newtownhamilton, Co Armagh, admitted on Monday to assaulting John Roche, causing him harm, at The Towers, Garter Lane, Saggart, Co Dublin on June 9th, 2015.

He also pleaded guilty to falsely imprisoning Martin Byrne at Rathcoole and Saggart on the same date.

Sean Guerin SC, defending, told the three-judge court that a trial would not be required and Mr O’Hare could be arraigned on two of the counts. The barrister said he would ask the court to take two other counts into consideration at the appropriate time.


Dressed in a shirt and tie, O’Hare stood up and faced the court.

When the registrar read the two counts on the indictment to O’Hare and asked him how he was pleading, he replied, “Guilty” to both.

Shane Costelloe SC, prosecuting, said Mr Guerin had informed him there were some outstanding matters on his side of the house.

Following this, Mr Guerin said his client has had some engagement with “professionals” and the defence wanted to have up-to-date professional assistance for the sentence hearing.

Mr Justice Tony Hunt, presiding, sitting with Judge Patricia Ryan and Judge Ann Ryan, remanded the defendant on continuing bail with the same terms and conditions until April 3rd, when he will be sentenced.