Teen in robbery case allegedly threw black paint at youth

Boy allegedly sought to intimidate youth on Luas after charge of assault causing harm

A boy has been charged with assault causing harm and robbery of a youth in Tallaght on a date in January. It has been claimed that five weeks later, he emptied a can of black paint on the same youth on the Luas. File photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

Gardaí are to notify the DPP about alleged witness intimidation by a 14-year-old boy.

The boy has been charged with assault causing harm and robbery of a youth in Tallaght on a date in January.

It has been claimed that five weeks later, he emptied a can of black paint on the same youth who had been travelling on the Luas.

Garda Kieran Kilcoyne asked the Dublin Children's Court to grant a lengthy adjournment for directions from the DPP to be obtained.


He added that “the issue of witness intimidation - this has to be notified to the DPP”.

Judge O’Connor adjourned the case until June. The boy, who was accompanied to court by his father, was remanded on continuing bail.

At one stage the court had placed the schoolboy under house arrest after the concerns were first raised.

However, the terms were later relaxed and he has to be indoors from 7pm until 7am daily.

Out of control

Earlier, the judge said the boy “looks as innocent as pie”, but was out-of-control.

Garda Kieran Kilcoyne had said earlier he feared the teenager would continue to engage in witness intimidation. Concerns were also expressed the boy would also use social media.

Garda Kilcoyne said CCTV footage from the Luas showed the boy “with a gang of lads”.

“He comes down, sits on a block of seats and takes out an object, a tin of paint, hands it to another male, puts on his hat and gloves, takes it back, walks towards the young lad who is the injured party.”

Garda Kilcoyne said the teenager threw paint on the youth and then picked up the can and “pegged it at him”.

The incident happened in front of an elderly couple, and numerous witness statements have been taken.

Garda Kilcoyne said the youth who was covered in paint was terrified and in a state of panic.

In addition to the curfew, the teenage defendant, who has not yet entered a plea, must sign on regularly in the company of his parents at his local Garda station and he must stay away from parts of Tallaght.

He is due back before the court in May to face unrelated charges.