Gardaí seize €180,000 worth of drugs in Drogheda

No arrests made but An Garda Síochána says it is following definite line in enquiry

Gardaí said they seized €108,000 worth of cannabis herb in the operation. Photograph: Getty Images

Almost €180,000 worth of cannabis and cocaine was seized by gardaí during a search of a vehicle in Drogheda, Co Louth, on Thursday night.

Gardaí attached to the Divisional Drugs Unit based at Drogheda and members of the Drogheda Detective Unit stopped and searched a vehicle which was observed on the outskirts of the town shortly after 9pm.

During the course of the search, suspected cannabis herb worth €108,000 along with suspected cocaine with a value of €70,000 was found and seized.

The seizure was made under Operation Stratus, an ongoing operation targeting the sale and supply of illegal drugs in Drogheda.


Gardaí said while no arrests have been made at this time, they are following “a definite line of enquiry” and investigations are ongoing.

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns

Sarah Burns is a reporter for The Irish Times