Judge suggests blue traffic lights to cut road crashes

Anthony Halpin dealing with driver who broke red light when it was amber

‘Maybe we should consider introducing a light between amber and a red. Could you convey this to the authorities. The amber light isn’t working. When people see it, they speed up. We will cut out all traffic accidents,’ Judge Anthony Halpin said.

A judge has called for blue traffic lights to be introduced as a way of cutting out road traffic crashes.

Today in Tallaght District Court, Judge Anthony Halpin was dealing with a driver who broke a red light after speeding up when he saw the light was amber.

Judge Halpin told Sergeant Bernard Jones: "Maybe we should consider introducing a light between amber and a red. Could you convey this to the authorities. The amber light isn't working. When people see it, they speed up. We will cut out all traffic accidents."

Two weeks ago Judge Halpin made the headlines when he told the court that ‘Muslims feel they can actually beat their wives’. Judge Halpin later apologised for his remarks.