Probation for man who threatened to ‘ruin’ ex-partner’s face with acid

Sean Brady from Belfast sent menacing texts and images of knives and petrol container

A man who threatened to ‘ruin’ his ex-partner’s face with acid has been handed a three-year probation order.

A man who threatened to “ruin” his ex-partner’s face with acid has been handed a three-year probation order.

Sean Brady (41) sent the woman a series of menacing texts, including one showing a set of knives with the words "take your pick".

Belfast Magistrates' Court heard another message featured a picture of a petrol container and a threat to burn her house down while she was in it.

A judge described it as the most extreme behaviour of its kind she had encountered.


Brady, of Mizen Gardens in Belfast, admitted charges of harassment, sending menacing messages by a public electronic communications network, threats to kill, threats to damage property and common assault.

He had been in a relationship with the victim before she ended it last year over concerns about his drinking. Prosecutors said he then manipulated her into getting back together a number of times by threatening to kill himself.

Last July Brady sent the woman a voicemail containing a threat to come to her house, and that she would be “f****d”. Brady also sent a picture of himself holding a knife.

Days later she received a text in which he warned: “I’m going to hurt you so f***ing bad you will be begging me to stop.”

Acid containers

At that stage he sent pictures that looked like containers of acid, and stated that if he could not have her, no-one could.

He then sent a message saying: “I will ruin what’s left of your face with acid.”

He stated that she would be reminded of him every day she looked in the mirror. Later that day he arrived at his ex-partner’s home in Belfast seeking to reconcile, but a row broke out when he demanded to look through her phone.

Defence counsel told the court Brady has expressed remorse and accepted full responsibility for actions she described as “horrendous”. The barrister claimed it was a “bizarre” case, with one message sent about the knives received a response “giving permission”.

“It’s a very warped relationship, very toxic, between the two,” she added.

District Judge Fiona Bagnall said it was "absolutely distressing behaviour."

“This is as extreme conduct as I have seen in these type of cases.”

She said the case warranted immediate imprisonment, but decided instead to impose probation based on the content of reports handed into court.