Crisis pregnancy campaign launched

The Crisis Pregnancy Agency (CPA) has unveiled new steps in its campaign to combat what it termed 'rogue' crisis pregnancy counselling…

The Crisis Pregnancy Agency (CPA) has unveiled new steps in its campaign to combat what it termed 'rogue' crisis pregnancy counselling services, by encouraging women to use State-funded facilities.

Opening its Positive Options advertising campaign today, the CPA said it wanted to make women aware of free, non-judgemental crisis pregnancy counselling services available to them, if they experience a crisis pregnancy.

CPA chair Katharine Bulbulia said one in five women between 25 and 34 have experienced a crisis pregnancy.

"I hope that this new advertising campaign will appeal to women of all ages, but particularly women in their early 20s. Over half (56 per cent) of all pregnancies to women under 25 are crisis pregnancies."


Ms Bulbulia said some 71 per cent of women are aware of the Positive Options campaign.

"I hope that the new campaign encourages more women and their partners to attend the services, as it beneficial to have a calm place to talk about the pregnancy."

Television, radio and press advertising has been developed, in addition to a new leaflet and wallet card, which will be available in doctors' surgeries, student health centres and Unicare pharmacies.