Decision postponed on Dun Laoghaire baths

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council has postponed a decision on the redevelopment of the derelict Dun Laoghaire baths following…

Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council has postponed a decision on the redevelopment of the derelict Dun Laoghaire baths following a legal caution by the county manager.

Councillors failed to vote on two development proposals when it emerged that one developer's plans appeared to run into lands outside the site boundary.

County manager Mr Derek Brady warned that the council could face legal action from developers unsuccessful in the competition if they went ahead with a vote without clarifying the dimensions of the Bennet Group proposal.

The Bennet Group plans are for a five-storey hotel and sea water spa linked to public baths. The other proposal, from the Pierse Group, is for 17 stories of short stay apartments, incorporating retail and office space.


The Labour group along with some Fianna Fáil councillors indicated support for the Bennet Group proposal. The meeting was adjourned until July 14th.

Residents and campaigners opposed to both proposals protested outside last night's meeting. They want the baths restored as a public amenity.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times