Dempsey to meet Little Island group on sewage plant

A potentially embarrassing episode for Fianna Fail has been averted by the decision of the Minister for the Environment, Mr Dempsey…

A potentially embarrassing episode for Fianna Fail has been averted by the decision of the Minister for the Environment, Mr Dempsey, to meet members of the Little Island Community Association in Cork, who have been on hunger-strike for the past five days as part of the community's protest at the proposed siting of a large sewage treatment plant.

The proposal to locate the plant at Carrigrennan, on Little Island in Cork harbour, which already is home to a concentration of industries, has met with opposition from the community on the grounds that better and more environmentally friendly options are open to the local authorities in Cork.

Last week Ms Anne Kelly, spokeswoman for the association, and a colleague, Mr Billy Hegarty, a member of the Little Island Fianna Fail cumann, began a hunger-strike after the Minister refused to meet them during a visit to Cork and subsequently relayed a message to the effect that he had no intention of doing so.

Political sources in Cork have told The Irish Times that the Taoiseach was outraged at Mr Dempsey's refusal to meet local residents and that he intervened directly to ensure a successful outcome. Mr Ahern is due to attend a £120-a-head dinner in the city next weekend and was aware that the two hunger-strikers were planning to stage a vigil outside his hotel to highlight their cause.


Fianna Fail strategists were also aware that the Little Island group was preparing to seek the support of independent TDs in the Dail, and if this approach was successful, there were obvious implications for the Government's sur vival. On Saturday, the three Fianna Fail TDs in Cork city - Mr Noel O'Flynn, Mr Dan Wallace and Mr Billy Kelleher - brokered an agreement which led to the hunger-strike being called off.

It has now been arranged that Mr Dempsey will meet the residents' group before Christmas and that all environmental issues of concern will be on the table for discussion. It is understood that Mr O'Flynn was instrumental in negotiating the compromise. Last night he said he was extremely pleased that the hunger-strike had ended.