Derry unveils global yacht race entry

DERRY HAS unveiled its entry for the Clipper 2011-2012 round-world yacht race, which finishes on the river Foyle in July of next…

DERRY HAS unveiled its entry for the Clipper 2011-2012 round-world yacht race, which finishes on the river Foyle in July of next year.

The 20.7-metre (68-ft) vessel, named


to reflect all political interests, was a guest for Derry City Council's Foyle Days maritime festival at the weekend.


The 64,000-km (40,000-mile) race was established by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the world's first non-stop solo global circumnavigator by yacht. His aim was to give everyone, regardless of sailing experience, the opportunity to experience ocean racing. More than 500 people from more than 40 countries will compete.

The fleet of 10 yachts will leave the English south coast on July 31st, weather permitting, and are due to make their final berth in Derry 12 months later. The Volvo Ocean race is also due to finish in Galway in July 2012.

Among the crew of Derry-Londonderry is a former finance director of Coolkeeragh power station in Derry, Roy Devine. He is joining the vessel for the final (6,400km) 4,000-mile leg and has just finished his coastal skipper theory exams as part of his training.

He holds several directorships, including chairman of Derry City Airport, and has been a Londonderry Port and Harbour Commissioner since 2007. However, he had no previous sailing experience. "In February when we began training in miserable, cold, wet and stormy conditions," he said of his one low point earlier this year, "I began to think - what am I doing? It was a baptism of fire."

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins

Lorna Siggins is the former western and marine correspondent of The Irish Times