Des and Rosie Ride Again

The reception at HQ for Rosaleen Linehan and Des Keogh, after a long absence from the revue scene, was something of a major love…

The reception at HQ for Rosaleen Linehan and Des Keogh, after a long absence from the revue scene, was something of a major love-in - and that was before the show started. They had clearly attracted a great many fans from the old days, and a heavy sprinkling of others who probably came to see what the fuss had been about. If so, their curiosity was amply rewarded.

Off at a gallop, the duo were immediately into a musical remonstration with the dogs in the street; "Why didn't they bark, why didn't they howl", at the many scandals of which they allegedly had full knowledge over the years? Subsequent sketches elaborated wittily on the scandal-givers.

Script-writer Fergus Linehan was never one to be reticent in his targeting of suitable subjects: Daniel O'Donnell, despite a widespread view, had many affairs with beautiful girls, but they were never satisfied with romance - they wanted hugs and kisses as well; The Taoiseach, in South Africa with the First Girlfriend, was asked would she be involved in any official functions - "ah, no, she's only along for de ride." The axe falls where it may.

The catchy musical numbers have their victims, too. Des Keogh trills of the cleanest cowboy in the land: a goodman. Ms Linehan has a go at CJH and others in intelligible French, and they join forces to reprise an old favourite, Soap Your Arse and Slide Backwards up a Rainbow. They are backed up by an excellent quartet led by Professor Peter O'Brien on piano, with guitar, bass and drums.


The material is uniformly of a high satirical quality, and an exact fit for the many talents of its interpreters. A standing ovation was duly offered for a night when nostalgia stood its ground and won. Encore.

Show continues to 12th February; booking at 878 3345