Disco owner was student of theology, court told

The owner-manager of a Dublin discotheque who is on trial on drugs charges was a theology student in Maynooth College at the …

The owner-manager of a Dublin discotheque who is on trial on drugs charges was a theology student in Maynooth College at the time gardai raided his club, a jury has been told.

Mr Michael McLoughlin (40), married, of Gortmore Park, Finglas, has pleaded not guilty at Dublin Circuit Criminal Court to six charges arising from a raid on Goucho's night-club in Powerscourt Centre, South William Street, on February 1st, 1995.

The charges include the preparation of cannabis, allowing the consumption of cannabis on the premises, possession of ecstasy and possession of speed.

Sgt Mark Kavanagh agreed with defence counsel, Mr Gerard Clarke SC, that Mr McLoughlin was under a lot of pressure at the time, trying to run the club during financial difficulties while a full-time student at Maynooth.


The jury heard further evidence on the second day of the trial from members of the 58-strong Garda party which raided the premises.

They told prosecuting counsel, Mr Padraig Dwyer, there were about 250 people aged between 18 and 22, many of the males stripped to the waist and the females scantily clad wearing bra tops. They said patrons were sweating profusely and dancing to a "rave-type" heavy beat.

They recovered 26 ecstasy tablets, 26 items of cannabis resin and five packs of unidentified white powder. The trial continues before Judge Dominic Lynch.