Drug addict granted bail after falling down court stairs

A cocaine addict was released on bail at Dublin District Court last night after he fell down a flight of stairs in court and …

A cocaine addict was released on bail at Dublin District Court last night after he fell down a flight of stairs in court and then was stretchered back in to secure his release from jail.

David Clooney (26), from Fatima Mansions in Dublin, appeared before the court to face charges that he had not complied with previously laid down bail conditions.

Clooney had failed to convince Judge James Scally that he had abided by them. While he was being led out via the stairs in the centre of the court room, he began jostling with gardaí shouting: "Get your hands off me."

The court then heard a loud thump as Mr Clooney fell down the stairs. His mother, Mary, became extremely distressed and his sister, Cathy, approached Judge Scally and pleaded for her brother to be released on bail. She apologised for his actions, saying he was strung out on cocaine. "Other than the drugs, he's a grand young fellow," she said.


Judge Scally reassured her that an ambulance was on its way. While a team of paramedics from the Dublin Fire Brigade were called, the normal "business" continued. Mr Clooney could be heard becoming sick.

At 4.45pm, around 20 minutes after the original incident, Mr Clooney was stretchered up the stairs into the courtroom again.

The paramedics told Judge Scally that the neck-brace around Mr Clooney's head was a precautionary measure. Judge Scally said he would revoke his previous order remanding Mr Clooney in custody, and would instead consent to granting him bail. "This is purely on medical grounds," he said.

Mr Clooney, who lay strapped into the stretcher, raised his right arm and scribbled his initials on the bail bond form to secure his release.

"I hope Mr Clooney makes a complete recovery. I hope it's not serious," said Judge Scally.

He thanked the paramedics for their quick response.

Speaking outside the court, Mary Clooney said her son was struggling with a drug problem. "He needs help, we need to get help for him," she said. - (PA)