Dublin gardai investigate approaches to teenage girls

Gardaí in north  Dublin confirmed today  there have been three incidents since September of a man approaching teenage girls in…

Gardaí in north  Dublin confirmed today  there have been three incidents since September of a man approaching teenage girls in the area.

According to the Garda press office, a man approached teenage girls on three separate occasions in Skerries town between late September and this month. The girls are all aged 16.

Meanwhile, parents of children attending St Patrick's Senior School have been informed by letter of the incidents.

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Irelandthe school's principal Michelle Keane said she sent the letters after being informed of the approaches by a number of concerned parents.


Ms Keane said that although she didn't want to cause any "hysteria" she felt it was her "duty of care" to send the letters to the parents.

Green Party leader Trevor Sargent said he would be discussing the incidents with senior Gardaí at the Fingal Joint Policing Committee this morning.

"This threat paralyses the community and denies children, in particular, the basic liberty to go to and from school and elsewhere in safety," he said.

"It is vital that the Garda have the resources and the vigilant cooperation of every person in the community to bring the individual who attempted to carry out this abduction to justice".

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times