About the memorandum of understanding (MOU)

The memorandum of understanding between DCU and Buffalo is for a term of five years, with any extension to the term being subject…

The memorandum of understanding between DCU and Buffalo is for a term of five years, with any extension to the term being subject to the mutual written agreement of both parties.

It may be terminated at any time by mutual agreement, or on 180 days written notice by either party.

It outlines key areas of collaboration. These include:

Delivery of specialist lectures/seminars at both institutions


Research exchange programmes involving faculty, staff and students.

Access to research facilities at both institutions.

Joint development of commercialisation opportunites, where appropriate, to benefit the parties - the Republic and the Western New York region

The pursuit of joint funding initiatives from agencies in Ireland, Europe and the US.

Both parties understand that all financial arrangements will have to be negotiated by the parties and will depend on the availability of funds.

In the case of joint research collaborations, the terms and conditions relating to the intellectual property will be agreed on a case by case basis.

The MOU is signed by Prof Dermot Diamond, vice-president for research at DCU and Prof Bruce Holm, senior vice provost of State University, Buffalo.