Irish Times CAO Supplement
On Monday, January 12th 2009, The Irish Times will publish a special supplement – College Options – ahead of the February 1st CAO deadline.
Edited by Seán Flynn, the supplement will feature expert advice from guidance counsellor and columnist Brian Mooney on how to make your CAO application. It will also give you the best advice on the right course for you. Plus: which is the best college for craic? A student’s guide to a new life on campus.
Information Sessions for Mature Students in TCD
Trinity College Dublin is holding a number of information sessions for mature students until the end of January 2009.
Information sessions will take place on the following dates and cover the following subjects: Maths/Theoretical Physics/Engineering/Science; today, 1pm, Science Gallery (Studio 2) Clinical Speech and Language Studies; today, 1pm, Arts Block (2041A) Pharmacy; January 8th 2009, 6pm, Arts Block (2041A) Sociology and Social Policy/Social Studies (Social Work); January 13th 2009, noon, Arts Block (Room 3051) Business and Languages; January 13th 200, noon, Arts Block (Room 4047) English; January 15th, 2009, 6pm, Arts Block (Room 2041A) Medicine; January 15th, 2009,6 pm, Arts Block (Room 2041B) Psychology; January 20th, 200, noon,Arts Block (Room 3126)The TCD mature student application process; January 22nd, 6pm, Arts Block (Room 2041A) The TCD mature student application process.
More information from Clodagh Byrne, Mature Student Officer, TCD. Tel: 01-8961386or visit
The National Electronic Engineering Quiz
The National Electonic Engineering Quiz will take place simultaneously in UCC, DIT, GMIT and WIT on Saturday, January 17th, 2009 at noon.
All teams from the four simultaneous events are competing for the national title and a national prize for the winning school worth €2,000 . There are also some additional prizes to be given away in the colleges on the day.
The quiz is free to enter and is open to any fifth- or sixth-year students who are interested in pursuing study in electronic/electrical engineering. Honours maths would be an advantage. Free refreshments will be provided for all competitors, and teachers are also invited to attend. Questions will be in the following categories: science and engineering, maths, general knowledge and picture rounds.
If you are interested in participating, e-mail/phone one of the four students named in the host colleges – contacts as follows: UCC ( Tel: 021-4902218); DIT Kevin Street ( Tel: 01-402 4665); WIT ( Tel: 051 302035); GMIT ( - Tel: 091-742203)
Sample questions for your team to prepare are available from the following link: eleceng/news/quiz/previous/
Music in the Classroom
There are still limited places available for The Irish Times/RTÉ Music in the Classroom concerts for primary school children in the INEC, Killarney, Co Kerry on Monday, January 19th; in Cork City Hall on Tuesday, January 20th and for the 10.15am show in Castlebar Theatre Royal, Co Mayo on Monday, February 2nd. If you are interested in attending send an e-mail to for an order form. The cost per student is €7 and the concerts, featuring the RTÉ Concert Orchestra with conductor Gearoid Grant, will last approximately one hour.
The Irish Times School Mag Competition
The deadline to register a team to participate in The Irish Times School Mag competition has been extended to Friday, December 19th.
Students and schools who wish to participate and who have not already filled in a form should e-mail to register.
Send your notices, at least a
week in advance, to