PROPOSED changes to the Leaving Certificate analytical chemistry syllabus were the focus for the ChemEd-Ireland day held at the University of Limerick last month. Over 80 chemistry teachers from around the State attended.
Although not finalised - and without a definite introduction date - some of the details are known. The new syllabus will introduce the mention of infrared, ultra-violet, atomic absorption and mass spectrometer techniques, according to Dr Peter Childs, of the Schools' Information Centre on the Irish Chemical Industry, which is based at UL.
"The introduction of these concepts to the Leaving Certificate syllabus is very important," says John Daly, chairperson of the Irish Science Teachers' Association.
"When pupils visit science laboratories, this is the type of equipment that they are shown .and the additions will make chemistry more relevant for them. It's a shame that it's taking so long for the syllabus to be introduced."
School sets of Chemistry and Careers are to be distributed free to every secondary school. This publication, aimed at students about to choose their subjects for the senior cycle, explains what chemistry involves and gives details of third-level courses. It was prepared by the Irish Association for the Promotion of Chemistry, which numbers among its members the ISTA, the Department of Education, SICICI, third-level educational institutions and many industrial and business bodies.