The closing date for An Chomhairle Leabharlanna young writers essay competition is fast approaching. All entries must be received by your local public library, or An Comhairle Leabharlanna, by Friday, March 16th.
The essays can be written in Irish or English, but must be original work of no more than 1,000 words. Those written in English should begin with the lines Without my Library . . . If they are in Irish they should begin Mura mbeadh mo Leabharlann ann . . .
The competition is divided into two age categories: under 14 and under 18. Winners will receive a trophy from The Irish Times and a book prize courtesy of International Education Services.
The first prize-winning essays in each category will be published in The Irish Times. Brendan Teeling, assistant director of An Comhairle Leabharlanna, says the competition reveals what children want from their local library. "We're interested in what young people think of the library and we look forward to reading their essays." The idea, he says, is to get people thinking about the library and to get as many different views as possible.
"It doesn't matter what size your library is, or whether your experience has been good or bad, it's your own personal views that are important."
Teeling says he's looking forward to a huge response to this year's competition. The essays, hand-written or typed, must have your name, address and date of birth printed on them. The envelope must be marked "Essay Competition" and should be forwarded to your local public library or to: The Director, An Comhairle Leabharlanna, 53-54 Upper Mount Street, Dublin 2. Tel: (01) 676 1167
Entries can also be faxed: (01) 676 6721 or e-mailed: