Can Ireland's cities become green busines

Can Irish cities attract green businessmen?

Can Irish cities attract green businessmen?

Can Ireland’s cities become green business-tourism destinations? That’s the key question at the fourth Green Hospitality conference, for hoteliers and restaurateurs, at Convention Centre Dublin on November 16th. The businessman Bobby Kerr is among the speakers at an event that will be chaired by the architect and broadcaster Duncan Stewart and the Green Party senator Dan Boyle. The conference is organised by Green Hospitality, an environmental- certification programme for hotels. See for more.

Pupils get a hand learning about the world around us

Two environmental resource packs for schools were launched this week. The first, Eco Detectives, offers primary pupils an interactive approach to learning about climate change through geography and science. It’s available on or on CD-Rom by e-mailing or calling 053-9117345. The second, 2020 Vision: A Closer Look at Ireland’s Environment, uses clips from the Eco Eye TV series, among other materials, to help pupils learn about clean air, clean water, protected soil and biodiversity, and sustainability. It’s available from or on DVD and CD by e-mailing or calling 053-9160642.


Make your mark on the bird atlas this winter

Birdwatch Ireland is calling on birdwatchers to take part in the final winter season for the Bird Atlas 2007-2011. This landmark survey will map all the birds using Ireland and Britain in summer and winter. The focus now is to top up the records of winter birds in 10km squares of the country that have been only partially mapped or not yet visited at all. Work is particularly needed in Cork, Kerry, Clare, Galway, Donegal, Tipperary, Laois, Offaly, Westmeath, Antrim and Derry. You can find out how to send in your sightings at


Check out the pre-budget submission of the Environmental Pillar of Social Partnership. Its central message is that the adoption of environmental ideas with help the economy to grow and so create employment.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment