Repaving area west of Grafton Street to start in March

Council issuing tenders for repaving Chatham, Balfe and Harry Street

The work is part of the Grafton Street Quarter Public Realm Plan published in October 2013, which envisages a €14 million investment over three years.
The work is part of the Grafton Street Quarter Public Realm Plan published in October 2013, which envisages a €14 million investment over three years.

The €1.8 million expansion of the Grafton Street repaving scheme to the streets to its west, some of which are open to traffic, is scheduled to begin within weeks.

The repaving of Grafton Street, which saw sections of the street cordoned off for months at a time since May 2013, is now complete, and the council is moving on to the streets and lanes leading to Clarendon Street.

Construction is due to start in March on Johnson’s Court, a narrow lane that runs from Grafton Street to the Powerscourt Town Centre, and on the pedestrianised section of Wicklow St.

The council then intends to issue tenders for the repaving of Chatham Street, largely dominated by pubs and restaurants, and Balfe Street and Harry St which provide access to the Westbury Hotel. However, the council said the issuing of tenders for these three streets might be influenced by the timing of number of private developments in area.



In addition to removing redbrick and tarmac and laying a new stone surface, the streets will be planted with trees and flowers and will have new seating areas. Some streets in this new phase are open to motorists. The council does not plan to ban cars, but to change the atmosphere so pedestrians feel more “comfortable”.

The work is part of the Grafton Street Quarter Public Realm Plan published in October 2013, which envisages a €14 million investment over three years.

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly

Olivia Kelly is Dublin Editor of The Irish Times