SENATE REPORT: The leader of the House, Mrs Mary O'Rourke said she believed there was a need to amend equality legislation in order to protect workers in domestic employment.
The urgent need for an amendment of this kind had been made clear which had come to light yesterday about the exploitation of people, particularly Filipinos, Mr David Norris (Ind) contended. An appalling story had been told by one woman in an interview. Mr Norris said it had emerged that when the Equality Bill had gone through the Oireachtas, domestic service in private residences had been excluded from its operation. Those affected by the absence of necessary protection were very often vulnerable women who had their visas entrusted to employers, so that they could not leave the employment. The women who had been interviewed yesterday had been thrown out on the side of the road.
"Really, I think if we are a decent, civilised country, we need to address this," said Mr Norris.