Equality group wants rights enshrined in Constitution

A new equality and human rights group which aims to enshrine the rights of disabled and disadvantaged people in the Constitution…

A new equality and human rights group which aims to enshrine the rights of disabled and disadvantaged people in the Constitution was formed in Dublin today.

The Irish Equality and Human Rights Alliance brings together nearly 39 different organisations to fight for the rights of people who are disadvantaged or discriminated against.

The Alliance seeks to ensure there is proper consultation between the Government and rights groups. One of the first objectives of the Alliance is to try and insert rights-based legislation into the Constitution.

Mr Damon Mathew Wise, temporary co-ordinator of the Alliance, said the much maligned Disability Bill, published in March to widespread criticism, actually took away more rights than increasing their rights.


Mr Wise said immediate contact with the Departments of Health and Children, Justice; Equality and Law Reform and Enterprise Social and Community and Family Affairs would be initiated.

Following criticism of the Disability Bill the Government appointed a 5-member panel to facilitate further consultation among disability groups. The new Minister of State at the Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Mr Willie O’Dea will then bring the revised legislation to the Dáil.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times