Equality proceedings against Portmarnock Golf Club

The Equality Authority has issued proceedings against Portmarnock Golf Club for excluding women from obtaining full membership…

The Equality Authority has issued proceedings against Portmarnock Golf Club for excluding women from obtaining full membership.

The case is being taken under Section 8 of the Equal Status Act, 2000, which prohibits discrimination on nine grounds - gender; marital status; family status; age; religion; sexual orientation; disability; race and membership of the Traveller community in the areas of the provision of goods and services, accommodation and educational establishments.

The Equality Authority said in a statement that it has an "important mandate" to eliminate gender discrimination and to promote gender equality.

"The exclusion of women from golf club membership is inevitably part of a wider context of gender inequality and has implications for the promotion of gender equality in our society," it said.


"In Portmarnock Golf Club, women are permitted to play golf and to seek employment in the operation of the club and its services. However in limiting their role to that of players and employees they are denied access to decision making in relation to the organisation and development of the club."

The Equality Authority said the proceedings will not have any impact on the staging of the Irish Open.

Portmarnock Golf Club said they intend to issue proceedings in the High Court challenging the constitutionality of the Equal Status Act.

If the Equality Authority's case is successful in the District Court, the golf club could lost its licence to sell alcohol for 30 days.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times