Attempts to resolve the ESB dispute and prevent a disruption of power supplies were continuing early this morning by the board's management and trade union representatives.
An ESB spokesman said there was no threat of power cuts occurring overnight, but conceded there could be a loss of power today if the talks in Dublin broke down. Pickets have been extended to all main power stations. A spokesman for the Minister for Public Enterprise, Ms O'Rourke, expressed confidence that agreement could be reached.
The talks were attended by former ICTU president Mr Phil Flynn, ESB management, representatives from trade unions involved and the two mechanical fitters at the centre of the dispute.
Last December, they were sent home on full pay from the power station in Tarbert, Co Kerry, and an official disciplinary process got under way. Following the resolution of a separate disciplinary dispute at the station at Money point, Co Clare, involving a shop steward, fitters at Tarbert placed pickets in an attempt to have the two men reinstated.
Should the talks fail, Ms O'Rourke will cancel her scheduled four-day trip to the US. She had earlier told the Dail that the conduct of industrial relations in the ESB was a matter for company management and the trade unions, although she spoke to the chairmen of both the company and the group of unions involved.
Mr Eamon Devoy, of the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union, was optimistic of agreement being reached.
Fine Gael's public enterprise spokesman, Mr Ivan Yates, said the Minister's Dail responses indicated "a lack of any clear thinking about a plan B" should the talks fail. Labour's spokesman, Mr Emmet Stagg, said if her facilitators failed to broker a resolution, Ms O'Rourke "should intervene directly to avert any interruption to the nation's power supply".