Evict parents of bus vandals, Fine Gael declares

Parents of children who vandalise buses should be thrown out of their houses by the local authority, according to Fine Gael's…

Parents of children who vandalise buses should be thrown out of their houses by the local authority, according to Fine Gael's Dublin South West TD Mr Brian Hayes.

Mr Hayes was commenting on recent attacks on buses in the west Tallaght area of Dublin where services have been curtailed because of what Dublin Bus has called "anti-social behaviour on buses".

But Labour's Dublin South West TD Mr Pat Rabbitte said Mr Hayes's proposal was "too simplistic".

"I have parents coming to my clinic crying, asking how they can keep their child under control. Eviction was "no solution".


He added the problem of vandalising buses and so-called "joy riding" comes in waves when young offenders are released from institutions back into the community.

A "multi-disciplined innovative approach" is needed to solve the problem, Mr Rabbitte said.

All buses serving the west Tallaght area after 6 p.m. are now using the Square as the terminus and all services from Tallaght are operating from the Square after 6 p.m. until further notice.

A Dublin Bus spokesman told ireland.comthat between January 5th and 9th 42 windows were either smashed or pushed out by vandals - 11 on one bus alone. Seats were also slashed causing damage costing £13,000, according to the spokesman.

Drivers have also been spat on and one woman driver was punched in the face, the spokesman said.

A meeting is taking place about the attacks this evening which will be attended by local councillors, tenant representatives, gardaí, bus union representatives and Dublin Bus management.

But the spokesman added he did not expect a full service to resume in the area tonight.

Mr Hayes said only "the most draconian measures against young vandals and their parents" would be effective in halting the attacks.

"The Housing Miscellaneous Act currently allows local authorities to expel tenants from their homes on the evidence of a Garda superintendent that they have been involved in criminal activity such as drug-pushing", said Mr Hayes.

"I believe this law must be used to tackle rampant vandalism by minors, where the negligent parents of children repeatedly involved in attacks on buses and bus drivers should face the ultimate sanction of being expelled," he said.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times