Evolution teachers harassed, court told

US: Parents in a US federal court have described an atmosphere of intimidation and anger when school board members in Dover, …

US: Parents in a US federal court have described an atmosphere of intimidation and anger when school board members in Dover, Pennsylvania, last year decided to require high school biology teachers to read a statement that casts doubt on the theory of evolution.

Bryan Rehm, a parent who also taught physics at Dover High School, testified on Tuesday of continual pressure not to "teach monkeys-to-man evolution". He said the board required teachers to watch a film critical of Charles Darwin's theory of evolution and that board members talked openly of teaching creationism alongside evolution.

Mr Rehm said neighbours began to call him an "atheist with . . . a lot of words added on to it".

He is one of 11 people from Dover, a small town south of Harrisburg, who want to block their school board from requiring the reading of that four-paragraph statement. It notes that "intelligent design" offers an alternative theory for the origin and evolution of life - namely, that life could not have arisen without the help of an intelligent hand.


Advocates are silent on whether that intelligent hand belongs to God. "It will be clear that this isn't about religion," said Allan Bonsell (45), a school board member who has attended the trial's opening two days. "We're not teaching intelligent design. We're making the kids aware of it."

US District Judge John Jones directed reporters with two local newspapers to testify about what was said in open meetings. The two reporters have declined and could face penalties including jail.

The board's lawyers have framed the case as one of free inquiry. They note that college classes - including those taught by a key witness for the plaintiffs - often make students aware of intelligent design, if only to dismiss it. Why, they ask, shouldn't the same hold for high school?

Mr Rehm countered: "Nine board members without degrees in science should not be dictating science curriculum." - (LA Times-Washington Post service)