Eye On Nature

I would like information on the history or cycle of the mayfly, could you help me? Michael Walsh, Oughterard, Co Galway Mayfly…

I would like information on the history or cycle of the mayfly, could you help me? Michael Walsh, Oughterard, Co Galway Mayfly eggs are laid into the water and the nymphs, when they emerge, burrow in the bottom of the lake and feed on debris. When mature they rise to the surface, from May to July, where the nymphal skin splits and a winged insect, called a "dun" by anglers, emerges. This is "the hatch" but it is not the final form of the mayfly. The dun hides in a suitable place to moult again, shedding a very fine skin, and within minutes or hours the shining mayfly (called a "spinner") takes wing. The adult mayfly then mates, sheds her eggs and dies within a few days, thus giving rise to their scientific name, Ephemera.

In central London recently I witnessed a grey squirrel chasing blackbirds from a neighbouring lawn. Next morning I was woken by the blackbirds' alarm call and looked out to see a grey squirrel disappearing into a large overhanging tree, from which the birds were calling. Do squirrels raid nests? Rosemary Coetzee, Dunshaughlin, Co Meath

Although mainly nut, seed, bud and fungi eaters, squirrels will also eat eggs, insects and young birds.

For the past few years a turtle dove has visited our garden in the spring, staying for about a week to feed on wildbird seed. My book tells me that turtle doves are passage migrants from Europe, but I wonder where our annual visitor is travelling to.


Barbara Smith, Schull, Co Cork. The turtle dove migrates from North Africa to Scandinavia in early spring, stopping off at various places on the way. The return journey takes place from August on- wards. Cork seems to be a favoured place as most reports of sightings come from there.

Edited by Michael Viney, who welcomes observations sent to him at Thallabawn, Carrowniskey PO, Westport, Co Mayo. e-mail : viney@anu.ie. Observations sent by e-mail should be accompanied by postal address as location is sometimes important to identification or behaviour.