Eye on Nature

Readers' observations on nature

Readers' observations on nature

In a recent clean-out of my robins' nest box I found what I thought were about 10 small pebbles, 4 to 5mm in diameter. I cut some open; the outer coverings were like a thin, pale onion skin, over a hard, dark brown, dense substance.

Chris McCarthy, Rathgar, Dublin 6

They sound like the seeds of ivy berries which are available in spring, as ivy flowers late in the year. They provide food for many birds, particularly members of the thrush family to which robins belong.


While playing golf recently, I noticed a black insect on the green. It seemed to lift its head to look at us but, when I placed my club near it, raised its tail which had two pincers like a scorpion.

Donald P McKenna, Goatstown, Dublin

It was a rove beetle called the devil's coach-horse (Staphylinus olens, or deargadaol in Irish).

In the afternoon of December 1st, we heard a screeching of a small bird in distress in the garden. We raced to the window to see a sparrowhawk had selected a small bird from the bird feeder. It happened so fast we weren't able to identify the bird taken.

 Pauline MacMahon, Avoca, Co Wicklow