Family sue over Cork plane crash

The girlfriend and parents of a co-pilot killed in a plane crash in Cork a year ago today are suing two companies involved in…

The girlfriend and parents of a co-pilot killed in a plane crash in Cork a year ago today are suing two companies involved in running the flight.

Andrew Cantle (27) from Sunderland, was newly qualified and had just started his first airline job when he died in the crash in thick fog at Cork Airport.

He had flown the flight from Belfast.

Today, his partner, Beth Webster, said she was struggling to cope with life without him as lawyers marked the anniversary with a lawsuit.


“Since the accident my life has been a living nightmare,” the flight attendant said. “Andy and I had a bright and promising future together and now I struggle to cope with life without him.

“My friends and family continue to help me through this ordeal, unlike Manx 2, from whom I have yet to hear a single word of condolence despite the fact that Andy was wearing their uniform and flying an aircraft in Manx 2 livery.”

Six people, including newly promoted Spanish captain Jordi Gola Lopez (31) died and six others were injured in the crash.

The lawsuit, by London firm Irwin Mitchell and Dublin firm Murray Flynn Maguire, is against FlightlineBCN, which was granted the Air Operator Certificate to run the service, and Airlada, which leased the plane and crew.

Lawyers claim the incident was avoidable and was caused by the actions of the captain and whoever rostered very inexperienced crew together in poor weather.

The lawsuit claims that Ms Webster and Mr Cantle’s family suffered severe trauma after seeing images of the crash on television as they were being notified. She is also claiming a possible seven-figure sum for financial loss from her partner’s likely 30-year career.

The latest update from Air Accident Investigation Unit (AAIU) this week revealed problems with engine number two of the twin turboprop Fairchild Metroliner which could have caused an uneven thrust from the wings.

The plane is designed to be flown on one engine if necessary.

It also revealed that the captain took the plane’s power controls seconds before it crashed.

There were two failed attempts to land in the dense fog and breaches of aviation rules on height limits.

Ms Webster said: “My family, Andy’s family and I have never doubted for a second Andy’s abilities as a pilot and the interim report appears to confirm our strongly held beliefs.

“I personally would like to see a review of the current aviation law in order to prevent any similar tragedies from occurring.”

Mr Cantle’s father, John, said: “Andrew was a brilliant son, brilliant brother, brilliant pilot and aviator who touched his dream. Andrew had many friends through university and flying school who are young, keen pilots.

“We cannot bring back what we have lost but if this stops other families going through what we have had to this year and in future years then at least a part of Andrew will be remembered.”

One section of the claim is being dealt with by the High Court while the Personal Injuries
Assessment Board is examining the issue of dependency.

Those who died along with Mr Cantle and Mr Gola Lopez included Brendan McAleese, a cousin of former president Mary McAleese's husband Martin.

The other victims were Pat Cullinan, in his 40s, a partner in accountancy firm KPMG in
Belfast, who was originally from Omagh, Co Tyrone, Captain Michael Evans, Belfast's deputy harbour master, and Richard Noble, originally from Derbyshire before moving to Northern Ireland.

Manx 2 ended its Belfast and Cork service within weeks of the crash.