Fine Gael to decide on budget strategy today

PARTY MEETING: THE FINE Gael parliamentary party will meet today to decide its strategy on the upcoming budget.

PARTY MEETING:THE FINE Gael parliamentary party will meet today to decide its strategy on the upcoming budget.

A special meeting of TDs and Senators took place yesterday afternoon after the weekly gathering of frontbench spokespeople, at which the party agreed leader Enda Kenny should demand the budget be brought forward.

The decision was taken on the grounds that the budget represented the first year of a four-year plan that was already completed.

Deputy leader and frontbench spokesman on health Dr James Reilly said TDs and Senators would consider their approach to the budget today, having already ruled out abstaining in the Dáil vote to allow it to pass.


“We decided the strategy for the day was to offer the country an early budget and election. That’s been shot down by the Government,” Dr Reilly said last night.

“The parliamentary party will reconvene tomorrow to consider further, particularly in the light of the four-year plan, which will be unveiled by then,” he added.

Another member of the parliamentary party, who did not want to be named, described yesterday’s meeting as constructive and added: “The idea that the Finance Bill and the Social Welfare Bill could prolong the lifetime of this Government wasn’t seen by most present as feasible.”

Fine Gael has not completely ruled out supporting the budget, having said it would do so only if it matched the one produced by the party.

Speaking during Leaders’ Questions in the Dáil yesterday, Mr Kenny asked the Taoiseach to bring the budget forward to next week.

“As he is aware from experience, a slimmed down version of the Finance Bill containing the key ingredients of the budget can be put through the House,” Mr Kenny said. “Such a step would bring some measure of certainty to a Government that is out of control.” Mr Cowen rejected the proposal.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times