Fine Gael has called on the Government to introduce new legislation to strengthen the powers of tribunals.
It also wants tribunals to have inspectors with similar powers to a High Court inspector and to have their own prosecutors to deal with those who have failed to comply with their terms of reference.
In its proposals for new legislation to strengthen the tribunals, Fine Gael yesterday tabled a private members' motion for debate in the Dail next week calling for the proposed new legislation and for a new statute governing members of the Dail and Seanad.
The statute should include penalties including suspension without pay for TDs and Senators who breach ethical guidelines. Such penalties should be capable of being reversed only by a two-thirds majority of the house of the Oireachtas of which the offender is a member.
The motion also calls on the Government to introduce legislation to provide for regular interim reports from tribunals to the Dail and Seanad.
The Fine Gael leader, Mr Bruton, said yesterday that tribunals should not be diluted in their effectiveness by members or formers members of the Dail and Seanad.