Fire chiefs meet to discuss house fire prevention

Fire safety and health experts are meeting in Athlone today to discuss ways of raising public awareness of safety measures in…

Fire safety and health experts are meeting in Athlone today to discuss ways of raising public awareness of safety measures in the home.

The meeting is being held in response to the country's growing number of fire-related deaths.

"It is a think tank involving people like the gardaí, fire safety experts, local community and health boards," said Ms Caroline Spillane of the National Safety Council (NSC).

She said the NSC is developing a strategy to tackle the problem of deaths in the under-12 age group and among over-65s.


"Factors such as living in isolation, low levels of income and diminished physical abilities associated with ageing expose older adults to a multitude of fire risks," NSC chief executive Mr Pat Costello said.

Sixty-five people were killed in fires last year, 90 per cent of which were in the home. Seven children under 12 were killed in fires last year and 15 people over 65 died. In the first four months of this year, fire-related deaths stand at 25.

"Ownership of fire safety does not lie with a centralised body, but with employers, organisations, relatives and neighbours across the country. Activities organised at community level are a major step to putting an organisational framework on this concept," Mr Costello said.